Myofascial Release

Facial restrictions can be painful and cause restricted range of motion within the body. Myofascial release gently yet deeply unsticks these layers of bound tissue and muscle.

What is fascia?

Fascia is a band or sheet of connective tissue, primarily collagen, beneath the skin that attaches, stabilizes, encloses, and separates muscles and other internal organs. Facial restrictions can be painful and cause restricted range of motion within the body. Fascia is a specialized system of the body that has an appearance similar to a spider's web or a sweater. Fascia is very densely woven, covering every muscle, bone, nerve, artery and vein, as well as, all of our internal organs.  The most interesting aspect of the fascial system is that it is not just a system of separate coverings. It is actually one continuous structure that exists from head to toe without interruption. In this way you can begin to see that each part of the entire body is connected to every other part by the fascia, like the yarn in a sweater. If there is a break in the fascia due to a surgery or injury this will cause a disruption in that continuous sheath and potentially cause restrictions in movemen or further issues. We can address this work with scar tissue release

Myofascial Release is a very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion. The goal of myofascial therapy is to stretch and loosen the fascia so that it and other contiguous structures can move more freely again